The New Religion: Transhumanism, Technology, "The Science" and AI
(OR: It’s the New Good News: You too can be a god!)
“It is their belief that we can and should eradicate ageing as a cause of death; that we can and should use technology to augment our bodies and our minds; that we can and should merge with machines, remaking ourselves, finally, in the image of our own higher ideals.”
“What do socialists, Marxists, “transhumanists,” Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse, the LGBTQ movement, “woke” academic and corporate leftists, Davos economic elites and the left-wing of the Democratic Party have in common? They are all invested in a progressive, secular worldview based on the idea that humans evolve toward higher levels of being and just need help getting there.”
“Transhumanists reject any belief in a transcendent, metaphysical god; however, they believe that a materialistic divinity can be attained. Through technology, the transhuman can become a “divine being”—omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. In essence, man can become god.”
Transhumanists are telling us that “godhood” and “immortality” for the whole human race is imminent. However, this is NOT good news, no matter how they package it. It IS a “gospel”: but a rather different one than the Good News delivered to us “once and for all” by the apostles 2000 years ago. The importance of this message and the money, power and influence of the people and organizations that back it, cannot be overstated. Ultimately it will affect all of us.
Whether or not they can actually achieve their goals- really doesn’t matter in some ways. The fact that they THINK they can convert the world to their way of thinking makes this philosophy and the visionaries, businesses and entrepreneurs behind it, incredibly dangerous.
This new science—the religion-- of transhumanism is the preeminent threat to humanity now. The inevitable culmination of the gnostic, non-sacramental, world view that has infected the West for a long time. Few realize this—or want to know about it. Understandably. It is a terrifying ideology that is already making changes in our lives.. It is essential that we are at least aware of it, and of the disciples delivering it to us.
I see transhumanism as a diabolic plan, the original, oldest and primary “conspiracy” against mankind--and its fulfillment is already quite advanced. Attempts at successfully accomplishing this plan, have been repeatedly implemented, in various iterations, throughout history. Only now, for the first time, technology has advanced to such a degree that global control of the entire world population could actually be realized. Transhumanism promises “omnipotence, omniscience and omnipresence”—and for those elites that own and control the AI and transhuman technology, that means money and power. It’s primary adherents are already the super rich. There are hundreds of people in positions of leadership around the world, who are cooperating with this plan—either consciously or unconsciously-- and are anxious to see it implemented sooner rather than later.
With a subtlety that reveals its origins, they are rapidly indoctrinating society with their ethos: it’s about “love”, of course, and advancement for the greater good, a beautiful, new global consciousness. Transcendence for all. “Redefining our vision of life,” according to futurist and transhuman advocate, Martine Rothblatt.
The current (previous two/three?) generations have been primed to believe in the purported benevolence of transhumanism via a preview: the taste of “godhood” that comes with the power of the internet, social media and the exponential rise of AI. Generation Alpha, born from 2010 on, has never known a NON-digital world. Online work and shopping, zoom calls, robots and virtual communities have accustomed us to interactions that don’t need us to be physically present in order to connect with each other. Aren’t we already part of a worldwide hive mind to some degree? I can’t help but thinking of the Borg: “Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated.” (Any true Star Trek fan knows that Trek is relentlessly pro human. However there are some fans who have sympathy for the Borg and it’s transhumanistic presence.)
Combined with the instant gratification of knowledge at your fingertips, the convenience of online shopping, mass communication and “influencer” fame—transhumanism—discarding one’s body for a more efficient and “perfect” existence, seems almost logical We are being sold a high-flying bill of goods by the slickest of salesmen: the promise of a Fountain of Life, a better world and equality for all. Why not just take the next step towards full “godhood”: virtual immortality? However in reality, transhumanism is simply eugenics on steroids. And a culture of death.
In a throw-away society, what could be more natural than disposable bodies?
“In the near future you will have the opportunity to leave your body. You will discard your body -- you will literally throw it in the trash because you will neither want it nor need it. You will discard your biological body gladly, like you would discard an old pair of shoes today. You will be quite grateful to be rid of it. The reason why you will discard your body so willingly is simple. In the process of losing your body, you will achieve a level of freedom and longevity that is unimaginable to us today.”
We are at another Tower of Babel moment. The Tower of Babel was not a one-time event. We didn’t learn the lesson. There have been several such towers erected by mankind, increasing in complexity and impact over the centuries. Perhaps this is the final one
Think I’m being hyperbolic? Before you roll your eyes and dismiss this as some sort of bunch of crack-pot ideas, read on and then decide. IMHO—there are too many puzzle pieces on the table, that, when put together, reveal a very specific and distinct picture. Here are a few of the main ones.
Puzzle piece #1: Covid protocols were a test drive: seeking to discover how much control over humanity can they can actually achieve. However there was enough resistance and non-compliance, they now see that not everyone was hypnotizable.SO, they are going to bypass consent in the future. Beef, pork and chicken will all eventually be required to all be injected with— mRNA vaccines (They reassure us that that is NOT the case –yet. Right. More “safe and effective” technology? ). How will that effect the human population? It’s unknown. Next "pandemic" hits? Forget lining up at the local clinic or pharmacy. You won’t have a choice. Aerosolized vaccines will be deployed.. Movement and travel? The Real ID is going to be required by 2025 to fly ANYwhere in the US. And then there is the movement towards “15 minute cities”—all designed to control your movements and keep you in your place.
Puzzle piece #2: Want to spend your money? It will all be digitized, and access will be based on your social credit score-- a system that is already in place in China. The Fed has already announced its decision to move towards CBDC’s. In China, much of the population is VERY compliant and happily support the social credit system. I have seen multiple interviews where the average Chinese person seems to think that this has made society safer and better. Given people’s fear-driven, blind obedience to Anthony “I am the Science” Fauci—who’s to say Americans won’t prove any different than the Chinese when the next threat arises? Or when the government decides that you have to have a certain score in order to even access funds to get groceries?
Puzzle piece #3 : And all of this is of course is being sold to us under the guise and covering of “climate change”: we must save the planet! But—if the utopian transhumanist agenda is really the endgame—techno-AI empowered transhuman beings—why are we saving the PLANET? Robots can’t smell the flowers. Virtual humans don’t need to “eat”—except maybe bugs (a soylent green mentality?)….. And lab grown, “immortal” humanity doesn’t need to walk out into the sun or spring rain, or sail a boat, or pet a dog or hug a baby. The humanity they are envisioning for our future has more in common with the dark, bio-hacked, cyborg-ruled world of Terminator—than any sort of life we are living today
.Puzzle piece #4: Social engineering. The rapidly expanding mandatory SEL ("Social emotional learning") protocols that educators are now adopting, are aimed at deconstructing society as we know it, and implementing a new hierarchy that is “equitable.” What you are not being told is that this will ultimately result in the dismantling of the traditional family unit, the nanny state in full control.
Puzzle piece #5: the advance of AI towards singularity and the nanotechnology and genetic engineering that can assist in creating a new type of human being. Or simply and enhanced human being, a cyborg. “Companion” robots are already available by mail.
There are many more puzzle pieces of course—the proxy war in Ukraine; the mysterious fires at food processing facilities and feed lots (cause for alarm or not?); the FDA’s slow but steady war against supplements; the medical-pharmaceutical complex’s stranglehold on “health care”; the world-wide activism against gun-ownership; the rise of critical theory—an essentially Marxist ideology intended to bring equity to our society-- which has gradually seeped into the American consciousness by way of the indoctrination of several generations of university students; and of course, the LGBTQT+ political and social agenda, which laid the groundwork for transhumanism. There is also the cult of eternal youth, which the uber-rich participate in unashamedly, using any and all means within their power to maintain the illusion of ageless beauty. All of which, taken together, point towards a rather dark and dystopian future.
But of course, in the Brave New World—there will be peace. And harmony. And joy:
“In 2004, Rothblatt launched the Terasem Movement, a transhumanist school of thought focused on promoting joy, diversity, and the prospect of technological immortality via mind uploading and geoethical nanotechnology.”
And everyone will be provided for : “you will own nothing and be happy”—so what’s your problem? What’s your “beef”? (Sorry; couldn’t’ help myself.) It's all about "peace and safety" isn't it? (IE total government control--providing comfort, convenience and commerce--government as god.) What could go wrong? Just believe!
Transhumanism is essentially the new religion, replacing ALL of the old “superstitious” ones. And, just like the new members of any cult, we are being groomed: taught to “have faith” and believe in technology/and The Science™, man’s great advancements and accomplishments. Science and tech as the pinnacle of the “knowledge of good-- and evil”. We have all agreed to speak the new language of “progress” and create a way to godhood, making a heaven on earth: the new Tower of Babel. And remaking humanity in to a “new creation”: Demanding, of course, all of the rights inherent to such a new race.
The prophets are people like Martine Rothblatt (a transgender polymath and enthusiastic proponent of transhumanism, “mind clones” and virtual immortality, founder of the Terasem Movement which has four core beliefs: life is purposeful, death is optional, God is technological, and love is essential. In the SWSX video Rothblatt even says that he has a “personal faith” that is part of his belief in transhumanism.), Yuval Harrari (author of Barak Obama’s favorite book: Sapiens. watch his latest video here —but even he now seems scared. Interesting at 8:44 as he’s talking about AI language capabilities, he throws up a picture of the Tower of Babel. “AI could use language to form intimate relationships with people… .”), Peter Diamandis, Kate Bornstein Leslie Feinberg and Ray Kurzweil, Mark Zuckerbeg, Peter Theil, who inspire and lead the high priests and Pharisees of this new religion.
They are the scientists, corporate titans, non-profit orgs/NGO’s, obedient politicians and civil servants who are facilitating this ideology: The Terasem Movement Foundation (whose mission “is to promote the geoethical (world ethical) use of nanotechnology for human life extension. We conduct educational programs and support scientific research and development in the areas of cryogenics, biotechnology, and cyber consciousness”), The Craig Venter Institute, The Gill Foundation, the Arcus Foundation, The Pritzkers, Klaus Schwab—architect of the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Asst. HHS secretary, Rachel Levine, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, the disgraced director of the CDC, Rachel Walensky, Trump and Biden-- have all played a part in preaching the new religion, and supporting, introducing and implementing it’s new “sacraments” and rituals: vaccines, masking, social distancing, lockdowns and general compliance to The Science”™.
And of course, our own government is lending a hand. Here’s the NIH, confidently touting vaccines as a “human enhancement”, and DARPA promising bionic soldiers. (But heck, DARPA is everybody’s darling now—without this secretive government institution’s work on mRNA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna wouldn’t have had a Covid shot. Bummer, right? (sarcasm) One look at their Brain Initiative page, and you have to wonder what they’re NOT telling us.)
And the “scribes” are the captured institutions like the media, who hand down the new decrees, disseminate and who celebrities promote the religion with breathless approval and fanfare.. Here’s a handy list of some of the faithful.
Understand: the goal of transhumanism is not just to “improve” on humanity with technological advancements—after all one could argue that pacemakers, hearing aids and prosthetics are all to some degree—“transhuman” appliances. How are the new bio-hacked humans any different from these already “normal” physical enhancements? *
They would like to you think that there is no difference:
“So we will all be having our organs transplanted and chips fitted in our brains. Where does it all lead to? What’s a delineation between a human and a robot?
Has there ever been any? Is someone equipped with leg and arm prostheses, a radar, a microscope and a telescope still a human? Of course they are.”
-- Ada Florentyna Pawlak – lawyer and technology anthropologist
Do you see what they did there? Transhumanism has always been there, right under your nose, you just didn’t know it! A prosthetic leg or hearing aid means you’re transhuman!
Except it doesn’t—the ideology of transhumanism proposes to eliminate humanity as we know it, and replace human beings with a new race of virtual technologically “advanced” immortal, transhumans. This is not about medical help or enhancing ones capabilities. It’s about a radical new vision of personhood. Instead of human beings made in the image and likeness of a loving God—called to humility love, truth, “organic” physical/spiritual community and holiness—we will now have a new race of transhumans, created in their own image: of hubris, knowledge, lies, separation and depravity. Reality will be whatever you want it to be. There will be no “boundaries” no “artificially, socially constructed” binary of two genders**. And all life will live on an energetic plane—without the burden of these messy, inconvenient and limited bodies.
Transhumanists seem to think the human person is a simply collection of interchangeable body parts and neural wiring. It’s an inorganic and non-holistic approach. An engineering problem! Swap out an eye here, use a 3D-printed organ there, implant a chip or rewire the brain to receive instructions from a coder in an office somewhere…and voila! New and improved humanity, 2.0. Except: We don’t know what we don’t know (the last three years should have at LEAST taught us that).
AND the human being is still a mystery. Even in this age of high-powered microscopes and AI, we don’t know everything there is to know about how and why we work the way we do. The seemingly infinite complexity and interdependency of systems, tissues, blood, genetic instructions, nerves, is still yielding surprises. The incredibly intimate connection between a mother and child has just recently been explored. Who knows what could go wrong when we start tinkering with this incredible creation? Who decides—when and where— to stop?
And just where exactly, do transhumanists locate the human spirit? Or the “nous”—what Orthodox Christians call the “eye of the soul”? Does it reside in the heart? In the mind? In the gut? Are all three of these necessary —or none at all? Do they expect to transfer that to a mind clone as well? Contemplating the spiritual possibilities transhumanism says it can offer, seem to lead to at best delusion. At worst, a sort of insanity.
What a perfect playground for the enemy of our souls to play in. Endless possibilities—with man in charge. Except it’s not a playground –it’s a battlefield. And someone else is actually orchestrating this whole battle. And the war is real. This is an assault on the entire human race. And--our children are being indoctrinated into-- and are accepting-- this new dogma (either consciously or unconsciously) -- under the banner of progressivism.
The temptation to godhood—theosis, >without< Theo—is the original “conspiracy”, the original assault, against mankind. It’s designer and chief protagonist, that serpent of old, has never stopped waging war against humanity. He prowls the earth, looking for those he can destroy and lusting after worship for himself. His tactics include fear, confusion, hatred, division and, of course, lies. And-- what sort of immortality would it be without our actual bodies?
Transhumanism proposes to save humanity from itself by building better—immortal—bodies and imbuing them with a clone of our consciousness.
And –who doesn’t want to live forever as a “god” in a better body? Isn’t this the promise of not only Christianity, but so many other religions? Eternal life and a transformation and transition into perfection: ie salvation? Nirvana? Moksha? Paradise?
The problem is: transhumanists cannot actually make a better human being. There is that sticky wicket called “sin nature”: our soul’s inherited propensity towards wrong-doing, and, so far—transhumanism has not found a way to hack the soul. Their "salvation" through science, offers only a limited “redemption” from earthly pain and suffering (And, from what I have seen, it’s not “redemption” at all but a bait and switch: “give us your body and money, and we’ll use you for our experiment in immortality”) .
Please know: I am not a Luddite. I recognize the power and promise of technology. It’s immense ability to be used for good. But Transhumanism goes beyond just using tech as a tool. Their promise is that better technology will result in a fundamentally better earthly life—as well as some sort of synthetic eternal life. However, one wonders if this technology will not only empower those who want to BE and use it for good, but create supervillains as well.
The new gods of the transhumanist utopia may well end up— not as genie’s granting humanity’s dearest wishes, but as demons. Humans empowered to fulfill their wildest dreams—and worst cravings. Inflicting their passions on the the rest of us.
Transhumanism cannot provide actual salvation: the renewal and restoration of humanity into the image and likeness of God. Actual life (zoe), health and wholeness. (Instead, they propose to divide humans, both from themselves and others.)
The modern transhumanist agenda is the ultimate lie: the promise of immortality—essentially godhood—without the baggage of actually surrendering to God. A pseudo “life,” in an imitation body— instead of “fullness of life” in a glorified, resurrected one.
It is an “anti-Christ” agenda.
Transhumanism cannot provide CHRIST-likeness or authentic eternal life.
For that, an actual “transhuman” is necessary. A divine/human person. A living theanthropic organism. Only the God-man Jesus –can imbue “godhood” through synergistic union with Him.
St Athanasius wrote: “For the Son of God became man so that we might become God,”
Only through the cross, do we defeat death and enter into eternal life as whole persons: mind, body, soul and spirit. Our true selves.
And THAT is the authentic Good News.
All other proposals are—literally-- snake oil.
Now, go and read this and PRAY.
*”The “cyborg” of Haraway is a genderless and raceless mode of being imagined to find a way towards equality by eliminating all sorts of problematic dualisms like that of self/other, culture/nature, male/female, civilized/primitive, right/wrong, truth/illusion, total/partial, God/man (Haraway 1990, 177). She intends to reach the so-called “posthuman state” of human beings, namely “cyborg”, for finding a way to overcome various systems of domination.”
** “Rothblatt transitioned in 1994, at the age of 40. In her 1996 book, The Apartheid of Sex: A Manifesto on the Freedom of Gender, Rothblatt makes a case for the adoption of a new sexual model that accommodates every shade of gender identity. She reveals that traditional male and female roles are dictated neither by genetics, genitals, nor reproductive biology, but rather by social attitudes that originated in early patriarchal cultures and that have been institutionalized in modern law, and she calls a new acceptance of human sexuality in all its prismatic variety.”